Knowledge Centre

Featured Article

New dairy technology in 2019

While the most obvious signs of change might be thinner phones, electric cars and faster internet, the advances we’re seeing in technology are also being applied to the dairy industry. Here’s a look at a few ways farmers are already using new technology to make their lives’ easier – both here and abroad.

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Dairy farming and the New Zealand environment

Public opinion of the perceived environmental damaged caused by dairying is not so positive. Expansion of intensive dairy production over the years has led to greater levels of nitrogen in soil, surface and groundwater. So what options are available to farmers to help reduce our footprint?

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Lessons to learn from Netherlands dairy farming – Part 3

Keith Woodford recently travelled to Holland with Calder Stewart representatives to see what can be learned from their dairy farming practices. This is part 3 of 3, which covers robot milking and genetics.

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Lessons to learn from Netherlands dairy farming – Part 2

Keith Woodford recently travelled to Holland with Calder Stewart representatives to see what can be learned from their dairy farming practices. This is part 2 of 3, which covers the farming and milking process, and similarities to New Zealand.

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Lessons to learn from Netherlands dairy farming – Part 1

Keith Woodford recently travelled to Holland with Calder Stewart representatives to see what can be learned from their dairy farming practices. This is part 1 of 3, which is a basic overview of the Dutch dairying industry.

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Dairy Barn Tour of the USA and the Netherlands – Part 1

We recently travelled to the USA and the Netherlands to see what can be learned from their dairy farming practices. Our key purpose was to look at hybrid systems that utilise both dairy barns and pasture grazing. In Part 1 we cover off the key stats from the farms in the USA.

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Lessons to learn from Oregon dairy farming – Part 3

Keith Woodford recently travelled to Tillamook, Oregon with Calder Stewart representatives to see what can be learned from their dairy farming practices. This is part 3 of 3, which talks about grazing, feed mixes and genomics.

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